Build the ISE-NIN an 8 voice Polyphonic Synthesizer with MPE
The ISE-NIN, a Jupiter 8 Clone? Visit the project page here.
The ISE-NIN, a Jupiter 8 Clone? Visit the project page here.
Discover an analog synthesizer project I have had on and off the shelf for 40 years….. Arp 2600 Project Page
Many of my DIY synthesizers will be displayed over the Spring and Summer 2020. Most of these are also used in live music performances. PUSH!
I will be performing at the 2019 Winter Solstice Festival. December 21st, 2019. I go on about 7:00pm. I have been developing a new musical arrangement of Pink Floyd’s ‘Animals’ album, I call it ‘Gilmour’s Dog’ and sequence 13 Synths Read more
I have a few kits left over from workshops, etc available. These are complete kits, and include ALL parts, except the case and knobs. Cases can be easily made or purchased online for all of the synths. I can also Read more
Sunday, November 11 2018 Hamilton, Ontario. Assemble your own Moog, and take it home for keeps……. This two session workshop is open to anyone with an interest in creating music with a synthesizer. A technical or formal music knowledge is Read more
Read this article: MIDI, CV and USB Interfaces for Modulars and Analog Synths
The Tangerine Dream Analogue modular Synthesizer!! SEE MORE…..
I finally got the Quadratic Sequencing Machine to clock with and Arturia Keystep. The Arturia was triggering a Yamaha DX7IIFD from the 80s. The QSM was triggering a TR-909 triple tom, and kick from the slinger land drum machine. This Read more