New Synth Design!!!
All the parts and materials have arrived, and I just finished the panel layout. This synthesizer will be designed as a “mini-modular” type, all packed into a single wooden box. The design will have a Jules Verne look to it. Not quite steampunk, much more in line with physicists in the age of discovery. It is called the Delphi-Chord after a Delphic Accordion or Mysterious Music Machine.
For those into hardware analogs and modulars, the specs will be:
- 2-VCOs tuned to 1v/Oct.
- 2- Envelope Generators
- 1-LFO,
- 1-VCA
- 1-State variable VCF
- 1- Sample & hold
- CV mixer.
- The VCOs will track accurately from 5 through possibly 7 octaves.
- Interface with any other commercial or DIY CV capable synthesizer.